Go with the Flow
Spring weather in the Pacific Northwest can be tricky to navigate. We have days that can start with sprinkles, turn to sunshine, and then...
Look Mom, No Hands
As I've gotten older, I've become a little more discerning in my purchases, and instead of choosing pieces that are the latest and...
Recovering from a Tropical Vacation requires a Luxurious Coat... Trust me, it can seriously snap you
Returning home from a fabulous tropical vacation can be a bit of a buzz kill, especially if you live in a cold and rainy locale, like...
"Gray's Anatomy"... How to make a plain gray coat a little more fun.
I think I may have mentioned this before in some of my posts, but I'm really all about warm weather, which is funny since I live in a...
Finding Fitness, Balance, and Strength in the New Year... or rather "New Year, New Booty!"
January usually marks the beginning of "getting back in shape"... cutting out all the horrifying (deliciously dangerous) things we've put...
Leopard Fierce
One of my most favorite accessories is a leopard print anything. Normally I'll wear the animal print on my feet in the form of pumps or...